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What is Podiatry?

Podiatry, (previously knows as chiropody), is the treatment of conditions affecting the foot and lower limb, the cause may be linked to abnormal foot function, infection, underlying medical conditions such as arthritis or diabetes or trauma from ill fitting shoes.

Your mobility and general well-being can have a direct relationship to the health of your feet.  When you consider that a person walks over 75,000 miles (or nearly two and a half times round the world) in the average lifetime, it's easy to understand why we develop foot problems. Some problems are inherited, and some develop from illnesses in middle age, or from the pressure of ill-fitting shoes.

We offer a warm welcome, and a drive to put your needs first.  Whether you have a specific acute problem you are concerned about, require routine treatment or wish to have a regular "MOT", we can help you.



There are many conditions which podiatrists deal with routinely, e.g. callus, corns, ingrown toe nail, thickened toe nails and verrucae.

Corns and Calluses
Hard skin, (also known as callus) and corns can make your feet uncomfortable and can cause pain when you walk, while hard cracked heels can lead to infection. They usually occur as a result of excessive friction or pressure on the soles of your feet. The removal of callus and corns can improve discomfort in the feet and alievate symptoms.

If toenails are not cut regularly a range of problems can result; long nails may pierce the adjacent toes, the nail bed can become damaged or the nail itself can become thickened over time. If nails are cut incorrectly they can become ingrown and pierce the skin.

Verrucae are warts found on the feet. They are caused by viruses and show as small growths within the skin. They often present as a single lesion and can be painful when over an area of high pressure. Verrucae can spread and become harder to treat if left for a long time, so having them treated early is recommended.

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